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/ The World of Computer Software / The World of Computer Software.iso / ms_sh21c.zip

Directories (1)
Name# Files

Images (1)

Document (1)
NameFormat# PagesSizeDate
sh.1 MAN Page 87KB 1992-12-14

Text (12)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
extend.lst File List 86 1KB 1992-07-14
install Text File 124 5KB 1992-12-14
manifest Text File 62 2KB 1992-12-15
notes Text File 191 7KB 1992-12-14
patches.os2 Text File 67 2KB 1992-12-29
profile.etc Text File 6 124b 1992-07-14
profile.sh Text File 32 942b 1992-07-14
readme Text File 182 8KB 1992-12-14
readme.os2 Text File 48 2KB 1993-01-05
sh.ini Text File 99 2KB 1992-07-16
sh.man Text File 2,689 151KB 1992-12-15
sh.rc Text File 46 669b 1992-07-14

Other Files (2)
sh.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 134KB 1992-12-29
sh.pif Microsoft Windows Program Information File 545b 1992-03-10